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This Pound Sterling and Kyrgyzstani Som convertor is up to date with exchange rates from February 4, 2025.

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Isle of ManUnited Kingdom
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Pound Sterling is the currency in Channel Islands (Aldernay, Guernsey, Jersey, Sark), Isle of Man, and United Kingdom (England, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, UK, GB, GBR). The Kyrgyzstani Som is the currency in Kyrgyzstan (KG, KGZ). Pound Sterling is also known as the British Pound, the United Kingdom Pound, UKP, STG, the English Pound, British Pound Sterling, BPS, and Sterlings. Pound Sterling is divided into 100 pence. The Kyrgyzstani Som is divided into 100 tyyn. The exchange rate for Pound Sterling was last updated on February 4, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate for the Kyrgyzstani Som was last updated on May 3, 2023 from Yahoo Finance. The GBP conversion factor has 6 significant digits. The KGS conversion factor has 5 significant digits.

0.50 57
1.00 113
2.00 226
5.00 565
10.00 1131
20.00 2262
50.00 5654
100.00 11,309
200.00 22,617
500.00 56,543
1000.00 113,087
2000.00 226,174
5000.00 565,434
10,000.00 1,130,868
20,000.00 2,261,736
50,000.00 5,654,339
100,000.00 11,308,678
GBP rate
February 4, 2025
50 0.44
100 0.88
200 1.77
500 4.42
1000 8.84
2000 17.69
5000 44.21
10,000 88.43
20,000 176.86
50,000 442.14
100,000 884.28
200,000 1768.55
500,000 4421.38
1,000,000 8842.77
2,000,000 17,685.53
5,000,000 44,213.83
10,000,000 88,427.66
KGS rate
May 3, 2023

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