The New Zaire (ZRN) is obsolete. It was replaced with the Congolese franc (CDF) in 1967.
One thousand ZRN are equivalent to one CDF.

Franc Congolais (CDF) and Djiboutian Franc (DJF) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator

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This Djiboutian Franc and New Zaire convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 14, 2025.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Djiboutian Franc. Use "Swap currencies" to make New Zaire the default currency. Click on New Zaires or Djiboutian Francs to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Djiboutian Franc is the currency in Djibouti (DJ, DJI). The New Zaire is the currency in Congo (CD, COD). The symbol for DJF can be written DF. The Djiboutian Franc is divided into 100 centimes. The exchange rate for the Djiboutian Franc was last updated on June 5, 2023 from MSN. The exchange rate for the New Zaire was last updated on June 5, 2023 from MSN. The DJF conversion factor has 5 significant digits. The ZRN conversion factor has 4 significant digits.

100 1,298,410
200 2,596,820
500 6,492,040
1000 12,984,080
2000 25,968,160
5000 64,920,390
10,000 129,840,780
20,000 259,681,570
50,000 649,203,920
100,000 1,298,407,840
200,000 2,596,815,680
500,000 6,492,039,190
1,000,000 12,984,078,380
2,000,000 25,968,156,770
5,000,000 64,920,391,920
10,000,000 129,840,783,830
20,000,000 259,681,567,670
DJF rate
June 5, 2023
2,000,000 150
5,000,000 390
10,000,000 770
20,000,000 1540
50,000,000 3850
100,000,000 7700
200,000,000 15,400
500,000,000 38,510
1,000,000,000 77,020
2,000,000,000 154,030
5,000,000,000 385,090
10,000,000,000 770,170
20,000,000,000 1,540,350
50,000,000,000 3,850,870
100,000,000,000 7,701,740
200,000,000,000 15,403,480
500,000,000,000 38,508,700
ZRN rate
June 5, 2023

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