The Andorran Peseta (ADP) is obsolete. It was replaced with the Euro (EUR) on January 1, 1999.
One EUR is equivalent to 166.386 ADP.

Euro (EUR) and Tajikistan Somoni (TJS) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator

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This Andorran Peseta and Tajikistan Somoni convertor is up to date with exchange rates from December 24, 2024.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Andorran Peseta. Use "Swap currencies" to make Tajikistan Somoni the default currency. Click on Tajikistan Somoni or Andorran Pesetas to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Andorran Peseta is the currency in Andorra (AD, AND). The Tajikistan Somoni is the currency in Tajikistan (TJ, TJK). The Tajikistan Somoni is divided into 100 dirams. The exchange rate for the Andorran Peseta was last updated on December 22, 2024 from The International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate for the Tajikistan Somoni was last updated on May 3, 2023 from Yahoo Finance. The ADP conversion factor has 6 significant digits. The TJS conversion factor has 5 significant digits.

100 7.05
200 14.15
500 35.35
1000 70.70
2000 141.35
5000 353.40
10,000 706.85
20,000 1413.70
50,000 3534.20
100,000 7068.40
200,000 14,136.85
500,000 35,342.10
1,000,000 70,684.15
2,000,000 141,368.35
5,000,000 353,420.85
10,000,000 706,841.70
20,000,000 1,413,683.40
ADP rate
December 22, 2024
10.00 141
20.00 283
50.00 707
100.00 1415
200.00 2829
500.00 7074
1000.00 14,147
2000.00 28,295
5000.00 70,737
10,000.00 141,474
20,000.00 282,949
50,000.00 707,372
100,000.00 1,414,744
200,000.00 2,829,488
500,000.00 7,073,720
1,000,000.00 14,147,439
2,000,000.00 28,294,879
TJS rate
May 3, 2023

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